
Showing posts from October, 2019

I'm coming from Planet Earth

[1] What if people stopped ask you: Where are you coming from? The mentality and the way people think today is merely interactive reflection of the dynamic environment around them. In the past the names like "Country" or "Nationality" had not essential role to play in people's day by day life. If two unknown people in year 900 speaking more or less the same language meet each other for the first time somewhere in the field then the first thing they wouldn't ask where you come from rather they will ask "who are you" or "which tribe or clan you belong". The answer could sound like this: I'm Lanoi, second son of Hinou and Vuyte from Berto tribe. If they don't understand one another probably they would call each other "stranger" or "foreigner" and then avoiding each other they will go their own way. While time past nomadic tribes settled in villages which later consequentially become castles, kingdoms, countr

Singapore vision

My days on the remote Tioman island in Malaysia were over due to visa limitation. Once again I took the ferry to the main land which was far more calm and pleasant than last time which was an irritated blue water with white caps. The weather is hot. The day I left the island the merciless heat forced me to knee down in shady oasises under protection of the buildings. I knew though how fast and spontaneous the burning heat can turn in the penetrating cold through your body with feeling-less limbs  and from time to time with unpredictable shakiness in the frosty and noisy buses. AC is humble and invisible ghost that makes one to tremble without even imposing fear or hazard. I have to deal with freezing air for two hour until the sun will stroke me in the back in my way to the customs. Singapore With forgotten expectation about the place called Singapore I entered in unquestioned dominance of social inequality, technocracy, fearless vision of the coming future, destroyed marine life